Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Philippe Caillou, Computer Science for students in Accounting and Management, 192h, L1, IUT Sceaux, Univ. Paris Sud.

  • Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Computer Architecture, 60h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Machine Learning and Artificial Life, 55h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Computer Architecture, 41h, L3, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence and Polytech : Cécile Germain, Computer Architecture

  • Licence : Isabelle Guyon, Project: Creation of mini-challenges, M2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Anne Auger, Optimisation, 12h, M2 Recherche, U. Paris-sud.

  • Master : Guillaume Charpiat et Gaétan Marceau, Advanced Machine Learning, 34h, M2 Recherche, Centrale-Supélec.

  • Master : Aurélien Decelle, Machine Learning, 27h, M1, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Aurélien Decelle, Information theory, 39h, M1, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Cécile Germain, Parallel Programming

  • Master : Isabelle Guyon, Project: Resolution of mini-challenges (created by M2 students), L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, Machine Learning, 6h, M2 Recherche, Univ. Paris-Sud

  • Master : Yann Ollivier, Deep learning, 4h, M2 Recherche, Telecom/Polytech.

  • Master : Michèle Sebag, Machine Learning, 12h; Deep Learning, 6h; Reinforcement Learning, 6h; M2 Recherche, U. Paris-sud.

  • Master : Paola Tubaro, Sociology of social networks, 24h, M2, EHESS/ENS/ENSAE.

  • Master : Paola Tubaro, Digital platforms, online socialization and new economic models, 6h, M2, Arts et Métiers ParisTech (ENSAM).

  • Doctorate: Paola Tubaro, Research Methods, 9h, University of Insubria, Italy.


  • PhD: Jérémy BENSADON, Applications of Information Theory to Statistical Learning, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 02/02/2016, Yann Ollivier.

  • PhD: Marie-Liesse CAUWET, Artificial intelligence with uncertainties, application to power systems, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 30/9/2016, Olivier Teytaud.

  • PhD: Sandra ASTETE-MORALES, Noisy optimization, with applications to power systems, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 5/10/2016, Olivier Teytaud.

  • PhD: Robin ALLESIARDIO, Multi-armed Bandits on non Stationary Data Streams, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 19/10/2016, Raphaël Féraud (Orange Labs) and Michèle Sebag.

  • PhD in progress: Ouassim AIT ELHARA, Large-scale optimization and Evolution Strategies, 1/09/2012, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen.

  • PhD in progress: Asma ATAMNA, Evolution Strategies and Constrained Optimization, 1/10/2013, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen.

  • PhD in progress: Nacim BELKHIR, On-line parameter tuning, 1/5/2014, Marc Schoenauer and Johann Dréo (Thalès), CIFRE Thalès.

  • PhD in progress: Vincent BERTHIER, Large scale parallel optimization, with application to power systems, 1/09/2013, Michèle Sebag et Olivier Teytaud.

  • PhD in progress: Mehdi CHERTI Learning to discover: supervised discrimination and unsupervised representation learning with applications in particle physics. 01/10/2014, Balazs Kegl and Cécile Germain.

  • PhD in progress : Benjamin DONNOT, Optimisation et méthodes d’apprentissage pour une conduite robuste et efficace du réseau électrique par anticipation sur base de parades topologiques., 1/09/2015, Isabelle Guyon and Marc Schoenauer

  • PhD in progress : Guillaume DOQUET, ML Algorithm Selection and Domain Adaptation, 1/09/2015, Michele Sebag

  • PhD in progress: Victor ESTRADE Robust domain-adversarial learning, with applications to High Energy Physics, 01/10/2016, Cécile Germain and Isabelle Guyon.

  • PhD in progress: François GONARD, Automatic optimization algorithm selection and configuration, 1/10/2014, Marc Schoenauer and Michèle Sebag, thèse IRT SystemX.

  • PhD in progress : Hoang M. LUONG, Squaring the Circle in Modelling Corporate Governance, Market Structure and Innovation: A Tobin's Q Approach to R&D Investment when Network Effects Are Present, 01/09/2014, (with M. Ugur and S. Gorgoni, at the University of Greenwich, London, UK).

  • PhD in progress : Emmanuel MAGGIORI, Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Classification, 1/1/2015, Guillaume Charpiat (with Yuliya Tarabalka and Pierre Alliez, Inria Sophia-Antipolis)

  • PhD in progress: Pierre-Yves MASSÉ, Gradient Methods for Statistical Learning, 1/10/2014, Yann Ollivier

  • PhD in progress: Sourava MISHRA, AutoML: An empirical approach to Machine Learning, 1/10/2014, Balazs Kégl and Michèle Sebag

  • PhD in progress : Anna PIAZZA, Inter-Organisational Relationships and Organisational Performance: Network Analysis Applications to a Health Care System, 01/09/2014, Paola Tubaro (with F. Pallotti and A. Lomi, at the University of Greenwich, London, UK).

  • PhD in progress: Adrian POL Machine Learning Anomaly Detection, with application to CMS Data Quality Monitoring, 01/10/2016, Cécile Germain.

  • PhD in progress: Karima RAFES Gestion et sécurité des données personnelles dans le web des objets. 01/10/2014, Serge Abiteboul and Cécile Germain.

  • PhD in progress : Yasaman SARABI, Network Analysis of Private Water Companies, Challenges Collaboration and Competition, 15/03/2012, Paola Tubaro (at the University of Greenwich, London, UK).

  • PhD in progress: Thomas SCHMITT, A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Matching Job Openings and Job Seekers, 1/11/2014, Philippe Caillou and Michèle Sebag and Jean-Pierre Nadal (EHESS)

  • PhD in progress : Lisheng SUN, Apprentissage Automatique: Vers une analyse de données automatisé, 1/10/2016, Isabelle Guyon and Michèle Sebag

  • PhD in progress : Corentin TALLEC, Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks: dynamical approaches, 1/10/2016, Yann Ollivier

  • PhD in progress : Pierre WOLINSKI, Learning the Architecture of Neural Networks, 1/9/2016, Guillaume Charpiat and Yann Ollivier


  • Marc Schoenauer, PhD jury of Jonathan GUERRA (ISAE, Toulouse), External reviewer of HDR of David Gianazza (IRIT, Toulouse).

  • Cyril Furtlehner, PhD jury of Christophe Schülke (Université Paris Diderot).

  • Isabelle Guyon, PhD jury of Mathieu Bouyrie (AgroPariTech), November 29, 2016. Restauration d’images de noyaux cellulaires en microscopie 3D par l’introduction de connaissance a priori.

  • Guillaume Charpiat, PhD jury of Thomas Bonis (Inria Saclay); jury for the SIF best PhD prize (Gilles Kahn).

  • Nikolaus Hansen, PhD jury of Oswin Krause (University of Copenhagen), January 8, 2016. External reviewer.

  • Michele Sebag, HdR jury of Matthieu Geist (U. Lille); PhD Jury Jiaxin Kou (Royal Holloway, London); PhD Phong N'guyen (U. Geneve).